Not worth the 40%

Tweedle Dum Sum was checking over our receipts from the shift the night before when this fun little bit of fun occurred.

Tweedle Dum Sum:  Hey.  Hey you girl.  What does this say?  (She shoves a receipt in my face.  The bill was $108 and they left me a $40 tip.  It was incredibly generous, and I remember the family clearly.)

*!#@: Yes, they left me a $40 tip.  It was a really nice family of five.  They seemed to really like me.

Tweedle Dum Sum: $40 is ridiculous.  You not good enough to get big tips.  (She melodramatically crossed the zero off of the 40 and walked away.  Thankfully, I got my full tip, but I found it amusing that she thought she was in control of how much money other people choose to give me.)

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